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Good bye and thank for all the fish... err fun
by DGhost @ [04:15 PM] January 29 2004

It is with great regret that I am announcing that this will be my last post on this webpage. After more than 2 years of postings news about our small community of Quake 3 (and anything related to Quake), I must say that my heart is not in it anymore. The Quake 3 community is still alive and I always be a part of it but I find myself having less time for this daily job. Quake 3 Arena is one of the greatest multiplayer games that I've ever found out and I will always be playing it. With Doom 3 and Quake 4 coming, the hype about these games will go much more higher and Quake 3 will always be there but in the shadows of their successor.

The ride has been fun for the last 2 year and even my english improved by doing that. This job gave me the chance to encounter a lot of nice people in the Quake community and I'm very glad for that.

In order to let this page goes on, we are curently looking for someone to be the main news blogger. If you think that you got what it takes to post news about the Quake community (you know how to make a sentence do you?), please send me an email with a quick description of why you would like to that. You can send me an email to dghost@q3arena.com

All the ressources, the links and the forums on the webpage of Q3Arena.com will be available, don't worry about that.

Have fun gang!

Rocket Arena 3 version 1.75 Beta1 is available.
by DGhost @ [02:27 PM] January 23 2004

A beta version for Rocket Arena 3 version 1.75 is available for download at the moment. You can check the changelog here for this version and you can submit any bugs found on this forum thread here. This is a beta version, not an offical one. Thank to PQ3.net for bringing this up!

The Burial-Ground level design contest
by DGhost @ [12:37 PM] January 22 2004

The Burial-Ground website has launched a new contest for a level design! Lemme copy/paste the goal of the competition:
The goal of the Burial-Grounds level design contest is to promote intriguing themes for the modern day Quake 3 levels. Here at the Burial-Grounds, we appreciate the visual and audio ambiance that a designer can bring to his/her maps, just as much as we enjoy the technical merit and finely tuned gameplay. The Burial-Grounds level design team have always strived to create thickly themed environments where a player can not only experience fun, unique gameplay, but also encourages exploration and discovery.

Your challenge is to create an environment with an engaging theme, thick ambiance and stunning visuals, all without sacrificing gameplay. After all, what good is a great looking map if no one will take the time to play it. So, although the theme and your ability to adhere to it will be the focal point of the overall judging, the levels playability and "fun" will factor in to it's final score.
The deadline for the contest is the 18 of april 2004. Can't wait to see what kind of maps we will get from this contest!

Petition for a Quake 3 Arena - 1.33 PR
by DGhost @ [11:11 AM] January 22 2004

Sea, project leader and main coder on the TC Reload Network has started a thread on their developpement forum which is a petition for a new point release for Quake 3 Arena. The features he's requesting are mostly oriented for mod devellopers and a couple of good ideas are proposed. Check out the thread for the petition.

Urban Terror update and more
by DGhost @ [08:27 PM] January 16 2004

The website of UrbanTerror.net is back online (with a new design) and the manual of Urban Terror has also been updated. On top of that, a new version of the mod will be out today, making it to Urban Terror version 3.2. Here's the changelog of the incoming 3.2 version:
  • New g_gear cvar to limit weapons on servers (pistols only, etc).
  • Reinstated the Colt M4.
  • The AK-103 and IMI Negev support the laser sight.
  • Modifed menu color schemes
  • New flag models, night vision goggle models and updated the LR300 model.
  • Updated player skins.
  • Updated Capture & Hold game play.
  • Knives are now throwable (again).
  • Reduced bombsite radius.
  • Timer fixed
  • Precinct & Rommel updated
  • and much more...
  • Hit the website of Urban Terror for all the details!

    Update : It's out, you can get the TC here.

    Protosphere version 5.0
    by DGhost @ [02:03 PM] January 16 2004

    A new version of a total conversion for Quake 2 is now available, called Protosphere. Here's a small snip from the concept of this TC:
    The Maps are being designed to be as realistic and possible, to enhance the playing environment and enhance the users perspective of where they are playing. The Grappling Hook from, the Quake II CTF DLL is also being modified to fit the use of the game as well. All this and more are what this game aims to deliver.
    Check out the screenshots here or download the TC here.

    PB server update
    by DGhost @ [02:17 PM] January 15 2004

    New PunkBuster update for the server side of Quake 3 Arena. This update bring a new tool for Quake 3 admin with the MD5 tool. Check out the webpage of EvenBalance.com for all the details.

    You have been summoned
    by DGhost @ [07:31 PM] January 10 2004

    Evillair is pretty busy these days, with his recent textures packs now he just released a new map designed for CPMA for 2 to 4 players. Called The Summoning, the map is trully a good 'ol classic Gothic map. You almost feel at home in there. That remind me of some good Quake 1 map.

    Another preview on Doom 3
    by DGhost @ [11:37 AM] January 08 2004

    A good article on the website of Computer Gaming Wold give us the latest news on the devellopement of Doom 3 @ IDsoftware. The author got a presentation fo Doom 3 by Tim Willits and there is a lot of good details if you can't wait to get the game. Screenshots of the weapons are there and the article is 3 pages long. You can read the article here.

    A new set of textures from Evillair
    by DGhost @ [02:53 PM] January 07 2004

    Evillair is at it again, with a new set of textures for his birthday (happy birthday Yves)! This new set of textures (called the eQ2) is a tribute to Quake 2 and feature 118 textures for Quake 3.

    Update on IDsoftware.com
    by DGhost @ [01:18 PM] January 07 2004

    The website of IDsoftware just got a small update with the information that Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits have been granted ownership of IDsoftware. ID is now own by Adrian Carmak, John Carmak, Kevin Cloud, Tim Willits and Todd Hollenshead. Congratulation to you guys!

    CPMA 1.2 released
    by DGhost @ [01:59 PM] January 05 2004

    CPMA version 1.2 final is out! This is only an upgrade package and the full version will come soon. This release introduce a new 1vs1 gameplay, the first CTF maps for CPMA ever, 4 new DM maps and 4 bugs where fixed. hit the website of Challenge Promode to get all the juicy details!

    Q3A Electronics - A reference of thoughts
    by DGhost @ [07:33 PM] January 02 2004

    What happen when you try to apply the law of electronic physic to Quake 3 itself? Well, skOre, on the forum of Quake3World has come up with something rather interresting for mappers out there. He actually took the logic of electronics and apply it with the mapping editor for Quake 3 Arena. The results are pretty impressive and the possibilities for many triggers in a Quake 3 map are rather good. You can get a .pdf version of his essay here or check the .html version here. Warning, this is a technical reading for mappers mostly. Or electronicians also!

    Threewave 1.7 beta is out
    by DGhost @ [01:41 PM] January 02 2004

    The beta version of the Threewave mod version 1.7 is out and you can submit in order to try it. If you want to know more about the beta testing, you can check in the IRC channel of #intrstar on the irc.enterthegame.com network.

    Happy new year!
    by DGhost @ [04:19 PM] January 01 2004

    The staff @ Q3Arena.com would like to wish all of you a happy new year and may your wishes become all true! Happy new year for 2004!

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