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An interview with Carmack
by DGhost @ [02:31 PM] November 27 2003

Computer Gaming World got an interview with John Carmack, programmer on Doom 3 of IDsoftware. The interview cover a lot of topics about Doom 3, the video games in general, his life (tidbits) and what he wants to do in the futur. Here's a small part of the interview:
The Future of Multiplayer: John Carmack: It's completely questionable whether you need anything more than Quake III technology to do just about anything you need to in a multiplayer game. A lot of the time, serious deathmatches turn off all the special effects and they are still having fun because their big focus is on interaction.
And also a new game based on the engine of Doom 3 has been announced called Abducted.

Update:You may wanna read this in order to get an update of what is going on with the Doom movie.

CPMA 1.2 beta released!
by DGhost @ [02:31 PM] November 26 2003

So there it is, CPMA 1.2 beta with a new gametype, the Hoonymode. The changes that has been done in this beta version are rather big. Complete different gameplay for CTF now. Small bug also on the beta version there is a bug with the rocket launcher splash radius in PM1 so if you just want to play PM1, advice is, don't try it then until the next release where this bug will be fixed. PM2 is the default mode now and there is a lot of weapons tweaks. Also, the point that I find very interresting in this new update is this one:
  • Rocket Jump Scripts are Banned. CPMA is not the first community to start turning on itself over the issue of RJ and FRJ scripts. However in this community, a design team exists to put a stop to these kinds of trends when they start to harm the game. If left unchecked, the debate over whether scripts are “part of the game” or “cheap cheats” will hurt big and help none. We’ve taken steps that will break all known RJ scripts. We are also making it clear that from this point forth, we consider RJ scripts to be in breach of the game rules. At the end of the day, if you don’t have the skill to perform a rocket jump, you shouldn’t get to rocket jump.
  • What do you think about that? Should rocket jump scripts be removed from the "big" competition or not? Hit the webpage of CPMA in order to read the changelog because the list is big!

    New Chicken team map pack coming up
    by DGhost @ [02:55 PM] November 25 2003

    Okay I'm very late for this one, but honestly I was not prepared for a new map pack from the Chicken Team. Playing CTF? Then if you know some of the most popular maps, you might have come across these maps: Crosstown traffic by Ferrao, Midnight Keep by Geit, Furious by Geit or Bold as Love by Juliet, these maps are all part of the original CTF map pack, The Chicken Team pack. Do I need to add that I love that pack? Well, there was an update on their webpage last month about some new members being added to the Chicken team since they are working on a new map pack! Weeee I'm so happy. Okay serious thing now: Sock, new member on the team, is working on a Q3CTF2 remake and 79Dieselrabbit has also been included in the team and he's working on CTCTF5 (a beta is even coming up) but no more details than that, sorry!

    Punkbuster client update
    by DGhost @ [01:16 PM] November 25 2003

    New update for PunkBuster was released since the last week end, the pb client for Quake 3 Arena is now up to version 1.054 with the following changelog:
  • improved internal performance
  • new pb_lan setting defaults to 0; when set to 1, PB will behave as though it has no Internet access
  • addressed glitch with INCLUDE type Cvar restrictions
  • new pb_webupdate command adds the PBWEB functionality directly into the PB client; PBWEB should no longer be required to manually update PB clients; PunkBuster will automatically issue this command when necessary to auto-update during gameplay before going into distress mode
  • That's about it!

    An interview with a CPMA designer
    by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] November 25 2003

    The website of ESreality got a nice interview with Richard Sandlant, a.k.a Hoony, designer on the CPMA mod team. An excellent reading for everybody even if you don't play CPMA, I really recommend you to read this as to get a better understanding on the different level of competition in the Quake 3 community.

    Ultimate Deathmatch update
    by DGhost @ [02:17 PM] November 23 2003

    I received word this week by email from ShadowWalker that Ultimate Deathmatch version 1.80 for Quake is available for download and other news also that version 1.90 is coming since a bug has been found. Check all the details on the webpage of Ultimate Deathmatch.

    Modern day gamer 2 released
    by DGhost @ [02:04 PM] November 23 2003

    Found this video yesterday on /. where Simon Bysshe has done a small documentary on professional gaming, called: "Modern Day Gamer 2". The documentary was done for his film class at the Bournemouth Arts Institute in the UK. The documentary is centered about folllowing a RtCW clan, the Four Kings while they went to the QuakeCon last summer. Check this webpage for the video or also download it via BitTorrent here. The project is to ask whether we will see gaming become a mainstream spectator sport. Total running time is 17 minutes.

    Q2 Mapping Challenge results
    by DGhost @ [02:24 PM] November 21 2003

    The results of the Tiki Domain Quake II Mapping Challenge is out! tIKi_mAn has announced the winner and here's the results:
  • First Place goes to Maric and the map Pile O Rocks with 81 points!
  • Second Place to [4u2]Squirrel and the map Lava Lamp with 80 points
  • Third Place to Jester and the map Over Under Done with 79 points!
  • All the downloads links for the maps are available on the webpage of the results! So if you are feeling a little bit nostalgic about Quake 2, check out all these awesome maps! Congratulations to all the participants, I'll have a couple of Quake 2 maps to try out this week end!

    Darkplaces build 20031119
    by DGhost @ [01:35 PM] November 19 2003

    New update for the engine of Darkplaces for Quake 1! LordHavoc just released it today with the latest build of 20031119 and fixing again some small bugs that he found out. The main bug being corrected for this release is the bullet holes in Scourge of Armagon (and any other mods using oriented sprites like he said).

    Real life Quake?
    by DGhost @ [11:08 AM] November 18 2003

    Okay, this one is pretty original. I mean, it's not a video of a game of Quake 3 but rather a video of peoples walking around with styrofoam in their hands disguised (with computer 3D effects) as weapons for an FPS game. The video is using Quake 3 sound effect. The project N.O.E.L. has been created by some students from the university of Linköping, Sweden as part of a course, "3D Graphics and Virtual Reality". The video is also featured on PlanetQuake3.net and you can download it here.

    Seismovision version 2.24
    by DGhost @ [06:26 PM] November 17 2003

    Yeah! Again a new version of Seismovision is available, making it to version 2.24 and now supporting demos for Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy and Call of Duty with the following changelog:
  • fixed: Quake 2 demos not playing in play list mode due to overlong alias.
  • fixed: Rare random deletion of game application after demo play.
  • added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory v1.02 (*.dm_83) demo support.
  • added: Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (dm_25 and dm_26) demo support.
  • added: Call of Duty (dm_1) demo support
  • note: Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy v1.01 AVA update released
  • note: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory v1.02 AVA update released
  • Yaaa! Even better than before, check out the website of Seismovision for the latest version!

    Doom 3 rants
    by DGhost @ [12:53 PM] November 12 2003

    Last week, the official website of Doom 3 was put online. There is nothing on the website except an image that say: Doom 3, coming soon. Also some rumors are starting about that Doom 3 will not be released before april 2004 as per Activision financial report. Mind you I would like to remind you that this is only a rumor and as ID always say it, the game will be out when it will be ready. I will have to shop for a new video card when this game will be out and I can't still make up my mind about it.

    A text to speech for Quake 3
    by DGhost @ [12:18 PM] November 10 2003

    Q3Speech is a small utility that will actually take the text in the console from a Quake 3 game and play it with a voice on your speaker. That's right a text to speech software for Quake 3 Arena! The software is only 12 Kb and from the readme it's says that it's pretty easy to set it up. I didn't try it yet so I can't give you my comments on it. But if you manage to make it work, your comments on this software would be good!

    Grindill 2.0
    by DGhost @ [12:10 PM] November 11 2003

    After winning an award at the CGC (the Computer Game conference) for his Quake 3 map, the mapper Quaker-X has finally released his level with a few updates on it. You can also get some sweet screenshots @ the map-center forum here. Stop reading this and download the map right here! Warning, this map is really good (well he didn't win an award for nothing I hope).

    Q3F version 2.3 at last
    by DGhost @ [10:56 AM] November 10 2003

    Remember last summer that Quake 3 Fortress had a new version for us soon? Well in the better late than never branch, the latest version is finally out! Quake 3 Fortress version 2.3 (public beta) is here with 6 new maps, 4 maps updated from the first beta, bugs corrected and gameplay adjustements. Available for Win32, Linux and Mac, only the update patch in a .zip format is available at the moment (complete package in .zip and .exe is coming). Not fammiliar with Q3F? Take a look at the player guide for that!

    CPMA 1.2 on the cooker
    by DGhost @ [01:20 PM] November 07 2003

    Small update from arQon, the developper of CPMA about the next release of the mod, which will bring it to version 1.2. A new gametype will be included, the HUD also will have some improvements and the list of the changelog is on the website (sorry too lazy to post it here and it takes too much space). The 1.2 version should be out in early december.

    New expert CTF
    by DGhost @ [11:35 AM] November 06 2003

    New mod in town, this one called the New expert CTF mod or simply the XCTF version 1.0. A very small file to download but with some nice features included in CTF games. Here's a small part of the features of this new mod:
  • Small download (total zipped file size is 875 kb!!)
  • Offhand grapple: (very stable at 100 ping, 140 ping a little jumpy, 200+ ping is playable) Anything under 100 ping is phenomenal.
  • Constant ammo regen (the game starts off with 1/2 the ammo and starts regenerating.
  • Constant health regen max 160 (from 120 when you enter the game) and there is no health limit.
  • No armor
  • No items on the maps
  • Want a new favor for your CTF games? Give XCTF a try, you might be surprised!

    UT map depot online
    by DGhost @ [07:19 PM] November 04 2003

    The website of PlanetQuake3.net proudly announced today that they are sponsoring a new website dedicated to hosting and making reviews on maps for Urban Terror only, called the UT-mapdepot.com. Check out all the custom maps on the website and their reviews if you dig Urban Terror.

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