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John Cash on Q3A Mod Bug
by Awoq @ Fri 03-31-2000 15:16

id's John Cash updated his .plan with news of a Q3A mod bug and how to fix it.

There is a bug that may be giving Q3A mod developers some headaches if they are trying to add new holdable items.

File cg_event.c, function CG_UseItem; the line: itemNum = es->event - EV_USE_ITEM0; should be: itemNum = (es->event & ~EV_EVENT_BITS) - EV_USE_ITEM0;

This causes itemNum to be invalid about half the time, preventing any client side effect tied to the item from occurring.

Q3Arena Player Guide
by Awoq @ Fri 03-31-2000 13:55

Scarab has a very useful player help guide for Q3A that features a wide range of topics. They include, server setup, binding, tweaks, console commands, scripts and much more.

New Q3A Fight Club Version
by Awoq @ Fri 03-31-2000 13:29

Version 00.03.04 of FightClub for Quake III arena has been released.

Fight Club is a comprehensive Q3 Arena configuration utility the authors claim "is the only tool you need to start any game of Q3:A"

Interview with Headhunters' Seedload
by Awoq @ Fri 03-31-2000 12:31

A 12 question interview with Seedload, coder of the "Headhunters" Quake III Arena mod, can be found at: Quake3arena.de.

You will find information on Seedloads background, plans for HH3, project management, inspirations and lots more.

Q3IDE 1.3 Released
by Awoq @ Thu 03-30-2000 12:41

Version 1.3 of Q3IDE, an alternative to Visual C++ to be used for Quake 3 coding, was released today.

This new version adds a important feature in the code editor, color coding. But the color coding makes loading a source file slow, to about 10 seconds on a low end Pentium 200.

This version is avalible as a patch or the full install. You can grab it here.

Quake III Arena for Sega Dreamcast
by Awoq @ Wed 03-29-2000 14:42

SegaŽ of America announced today a deal with Activision, Inc. to publish id Software's QUAKE III Arena(TM) for the 128-bit, Internet-ready Sega Dreamcast(TM) videogame console.

The title is being developed, under id Software's supervision and direction, by Activision and Raster Productions for Sega Dreamcast and published by Sega of America. QUAKE III Arena is expected to ship later this year.

Using the Sega Dreamcast Network, Sega Dreamcast gamers will be able to play QUAKE III Arena against both Sega Dreamcast and PC owners. This is the first time that QUAKE III Arena will be available on a videogame console and the first time in history that PC gamers can play against console gamers via real-time networked gameplay.

More information on this story can be found here.

EuroLAN This Weekend!
by Awoq @ Tue 03-28-2000 22:21

EuroLAN kicks off with its first event this weekend in Brighton, UK, sponsored by GameSpot UK and AMD.

They will be putting the "party" back into LAN party, as 90 players frag it out over two days. Quake 3 two-on-two and CTF competitions will be taking place during the weekend, as well as a Quake 2 Lithium tourney for all you old school grapple monkeys.

The highlight of the weekend though is a Quake 3 duel contest, the winner of which will play [UNR]Blokey, champion of the Razer-CPL event's official UK qualifier, and one of the country's top duellers.

Up for grabs are brand spanking new AMD Athlon processors and motherboards, as well as Voodoo 3 graphics cards from 3dfx and some awesome Sirocco speakers from VideoLogic.

Be sure to check www.eurolan.org for the full scoop.

Delta Station 07b Map Review
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 23:22

Orion's Q3A map titled "Delta Station 07b" is reviewed and available at the Z-Axis web site.

The map is reminiscent of Quake 2 architecture with a Quake 3 look - sort of an in-betweener of styles. Teleports are abound here folks, and it ought to keep people guessing where you are at all times.

Check out Spyder Murphy's review, and don't forget to grab the map.

Navy Seals News
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 23:01

There are some more screenshots and pictures of the Navy Seals mod.
This time they have some nifty pics of their weapons and quite a few more shots of their cool looking levels.

Tribal Interview and New Screenshots
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 22:48

The Oxygen Tank has an interview with the makers of Tribal. They also have six exclusive screenshots from the current build of the game.

Tribal is an upcoming CTF mod based around three different tribes. The final product will have new weapons, models, maps, sounds, new gameplay features, etc.

You can check it out here.

Q3Arena.com Needs Killer Sites to Host!
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 02:12

If you or someone you know has an absolutely Killer Quake 3 Arena site that needs a good home, sign up in our hosting section found in the left menu of this page (be sure to completely and correctly fill out our form).

To get hosted, you need to already have your site up and running on a server, have unique content that will be exteremly beneficial to the Q3Arena community, have a site that the hosting advisors just have to have on our server, and be willing to not have to pay a dime for our services.

If you have any questions, contact our hosting advisors for more information.

Q3Fortress Mod Preview
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 00:19

PlanetQuake3 now has a preview of the Q3Fortress Mod.
The five page long preview contains information on the mod's maps, the items, the classes, weapons, and it ends with a ton of screenshots.

Bid For Power News
by Awoq @ Mon 03-27-2000 02:37

The Bid For Power website has been updated with three new in-game screenshots of the current build of Bid For Power showing off the new melee system as well as two shots of various Ki attacks.
On another note they are still looking for level designers.

If you are interested in Bid For Power please visit their website at http://www.bidforpower.com/

Q3F Big Announcement Day!
by Awoq @ Sun 03-26-2000 23:29

Locki from the The Q3F Team sent us the following news...
The Q3F Team, developers of the team-play based mod, are pleased to announce the official release date for Q3F Beta-1. On on Saturday, April 1st at Midnight BST (which is really Sunday April 2nd, 00:00am BST ) we will be releasing the first public version of our mod. We've also given our website a complete redesign which you can now get to at the shortened URL of http://www.q3f.com. As always this week's update it packed with screenshots of previously unseen mod content including two new screenshots on the classes page, six new screenshots on the maps page, and a complete overview of our in-game HUD on the weapons page. We've also added another map tutorial to our recently launched 'Editing' section. The new tutorial (our 4th) covers the use of Q3F entities to create advanced capture and hold maps. Locki Prject Leader The Q3F Team - http://www.q3f.com

Duffy on Mods
by Awoq @ Sun 03-26-2000 23:17

PQ in Review has an interesting article where Robert Duffy answers the question, "What mod are you most looking forward to for Q3A?"

Q3A Map Reviews
by Awoq @ Sun 03-26-2000 22:57

Galahan from The Backburner sends us news that he has finished three more map reviews.
The map reviews he listed are: Blood Run, Outpost Omega, and Keep of the Overseer.

Q3A Mod AquaLung 0.7 Released
by Bomb @ Sat 03-25-2000 23:59

AquaLung 0.7 for Quake III: Arena was released today. AquaLung is a Q3A mod that turns any level into an underwater adventure. Highlights of this release include:
* Hydrojet is always on, so you always move fast. The jet effect is also visible on all clients instead of just the local one.
* The 180 degree roll actually rolls instead of just flipping.
* UI was removed
* Server-side 'lite' version to make autodownload more convenient
You can receive additional information and download instructions by clicking here.

More Map Reviews at Z-Axis
by Bomb @ Sat 03-25-2000 23:56

Z-Axis has posted more map reviews for your viewing pleasure. The reviews include Coriolis Storm by Lunaran, Arrow2 by Dr_FunFrock, and Fog of War by Xeric.

Q3A Map Reviews
by Bomb @ Fri 03-24-2000 23:57

The Backburner has three new map reviews online for your enjoyment. Reviews include Nothing at All, Burning Hate, and Sinister Purpose.

Q3Comp Version 1.0
by Bomb @ Thu 03-23-2000 23:58

Q3Comp, a Quake III: Arena competition mod, is now out of beta and at version 1.0. This server side mod adds a plethora of match/competition features, fixes, new additions, and much more. Check it out!

Level Designers Needed
by Bomb @ Wed 03-22-2000 23:41

Bid For Power, a mod for Quake III: Arena based on Dragonball Z, is currently looking for two qualified level designers who can bring a strong grasp of gameplay, architecture and good design to the team. If you are interested in joining the Bid For Power team, please visit their website.

New Q3A Strategy Guide
by Bomb @ Wed 03-22-2000 23:38

Hellhound has posted a new strategy guide for Quake III: Arena which covers the aspects of 1 on 1 in detail. So if you are interested in 1 on 1 gameplay or just want to brush up on your skill, check out the guide by clicking here.

Dawn of Darkness Map Files and Tutorials
by Bomb @ Tue 03-21-2000 23:38

Ward Six has posted the map files for QERadiant (.def) and WorldCraft (.fgd, although it may not be very accurate since it wasn't supported for the whole duration of development) in addition to a couple of short tutorials to help mappers and mod makers get started using the power of the Quake II total conversion, Dawn of Darkness. The full source and map file release will not occur until after the second episode, but all the entities from the first episode (as well as models, textures, sounds, etc) are available. Check out the Dawn of Darkness website for the complete update.

New Kid on the Block
by Bomb @ Tue 03-21-2000 23:35

Todd Hollenshead updated his .plan today announcing the newest person on the staff team - Marty Stratton, as business director. Here is the official press release:
MESQUITE, Texas - March 21, 2000 - id Software, a leading independent developer of entertainment software, has named Marty Stratton as director of business development. Stratton joins id Software from Activision Inc., where he served as a producer in their StudioX PC group, working on id games including QUAKE II and QUAKE III Arena. Stratton also contributed to the production of QUAKE II Mission Packs Ground Zero and The Reckoning in addition to QUAKE II for the Nintendo64 and Sony PlayStation video game consoles. As director of business development, Stratton will team up with Todd Hollenshead, CEO, to manage strategic partnerships and id Software's marketing and corporate communications efforts. "Marty's track record at Activision and hands-on experience with idRs games have distinguished him as one of the rising stars in the industry," Hollenshead said. "His background and expertise ensure a seamless transition into our tight-knit group."

You can contact Marty at:

Welcome aboard, Marty.

Z-Axis Map Review: Derelict
by Bomb @ Mon 03-20-2000 23:13

King REoL's Derelict map has been reviewed by Spyder Murphy over at Z-Axis. The map is, "A great map for those LAN parties...." Check out the review by clicking here.

Q3Fortress Update
by Bomb @ Mon 03-20-2000 22:55

The Q3F Team, developers of the team-play based mod for Quake 3 Arena, have announced a new Q3F Map Editing Section on their website. They have also updated existing Q3F Entity Docs, created a .def file for Q3Radiant, added their first three Q3F map making tutorials on CTF, and more.

Mario CTF for Q3A Reviewed
by Bomb @ Sun 03-19-2000 23:00

Z-Axis has posted a review of Mario CTF for Quake III: Arena. Check it out -- definitely worth reading.

QERadiant Shirt Design Contest
by Bomb @ Sat 03-18-2000 22:50

QERadiant.com is having a shirt design contest and need folks to submit their designs. The winner gets a free shirt with their design on it and recognition on the page. Click here for contest details.

QDeveLS Message Boards Relocated
by Bomb @ Sat 03-18-2000 22:40

The well-known Quake Developer's Library Site's Message Boards (QDeveLS) are back online -- now hosted at GameSpy. The message boards have also been revamped, and are faster than the older ones.
Quake Message Board
Quake II Message Board
Quake III: Arena Message Board

Holy Wars Mod Alpha Release
by Bomb @ Sat 03-18-2000 21:54

The Holy Wars 3 team has decided to release the current alpha (alpha 2) for public testing. This is not a polished or finished release, but basic gameplay is there. There are a few bugs noted on the page, and people are encouraged to report new ones and make suggestions for the mod.

New Quake III: Arena Tools
by Bomb @ Fri 03-17-2000 23:35

Robert Duffy updated his .plan announcing the release of new tools for Quake III: Arena. Check it out:
There is an update to the tools out on our ftp. It contains new executables for Q3Radiant, Q3Map, Q3Data, and the TexTool plugin. It is very hot off the presses so use at your own risk. The change log will be quite large and is not yet included but I wanted to get this out so people could start taking advantage of new plugins. Many thanks go out to Timothee Besset, The Curry Team, David Hyde, Jason Spencer, Jan Paul ( Mr. Elusive ), Eutectic, Maj, Paul Jaquays, and everyone taking part in the ongoing Radiant and Plugin department. The Gensurf and Curry plugins look fantastic as does the upcoming MGS plugin from Timothee.

Some words of caution, brush primitives "should" work fine but they are as always subject to change. They are required for the new grouping to work, but I would not use them or the new grouping yet as both are very much under construction.

The filename is "Q3ToolSetup_Mar172000.exe"
You can access id Software's FTP site by clicking here. It may be full, but it's best to keep trying. :)

OSP Tourney 0.8 Public Beta Release
by Bomb @ Fri 03-17-2000 23:27

The official beta release of OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF, a Quake III: Arena mod, is now available for download. A few features include:
* Enhanced controls for easier matchplay in any game mode.
* Additional game mode: "Clan Arena" -- similar to the popular Rocket Arena mod
* Extensive weapon and match stats for all players
* Advanced voting system that allows players to vote on MANY server options. Server operator can also control what items are available for vote.

New Point Release
by Bomb @ Thu 03-16-2000 06:32

Robert Duffy updated his .plan today announcing the availability of a new point release, version 1.16. Here's a snippet of what he had to say:
The 1.16 point release is done. It should start appearing on mirrors soon, in all three flavors. The release also contains the original player models done way back when for Xian, Carmack, Hellrot, Paul Jaquays, Willits, and Brandon James ( now at Rogue ). These are included in the PK3 file. Available separately are the Max files for each as well.

There were only a few changes between 1.16m and 1.16n, the readme details what was changed. I should get the code bundled up and out within a few days as well.
Click here to download the patch through id Software's FTP server. The full .plan can be viewed by clicking here.

Holy Wars 3 Interview at The Oxygen Tank
by Bomb @ Tue 03-14-2000 08:01

The Oxygen Tank has conducted an interview with Harris Hancock about the soon-to-be-released mod Holy Wars. The interview covers such details as development time, gameplay, and more.

Holy Wars 3 Update
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 23:52

The highly popular Quake series mod, Holy Wars, is under development for Quake III: Arena and nearing a beta phase. Right now the alpha release is being tested on a private server in Italy, and appears to be stable. A few screenshots can be found on the Holy Wars website in the meantime. Q3Arena.com will keep you updated on further advancements with the mod.

Fusion Yard Map Review on Z-Axis
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 23:38

Z-Axis' Rephlex has posted a review of the Fusion Yard map made by Fusion. This reviews gives a good example of a mapper's progression with time and experience. Check out the review by pointing and clicking your mouse here

Q3Fortress Interview
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 23:34

An exclusive interview has surfaced on the Q3Fortress Mailing list conducted by CitizenC with Locki from the Q3Fortress mod. The interview goes into detail with key points of the mod, and gives a time line on a public release for the beta testing of Q3Fortress. You can read up on this interesting interview on the quake3zone.net website by clicking here. Thanks, Gemini!

New AquaLung Q3A Mod
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 23:26

AquaLung is a new Quake III: Arena mod that turns any level into an underwater adventure. Features of this mod include an unlimited air supply, hydrojet for high speed movement, full 360 rotation, 180 degree barrel roll, and a weapon kick. Check out the screenshots section for some great previews of this new mod.

Q3A Strategy Guide Writer Wanted
by Bomb @ Tue 03-14-2000 07:56

Boggit from Hellhound sent word that he is looking for people to become writers for their strategy guide. If you are at least sixteen (16) years of age and have a working knowledge of Quake III: Arena, check out the Hellhound website for additional information relating to this position.

Q3Log v0.97 Available
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 23:13

Q3Log version 0.97 is now available for download. The major features in the release include support for custom variables, CTF support in user-variables, full HTML help, installer to make download and setup easier, and much more. Q3Log is a fully fledged Windows Q3 logging application featuring an easy to use interface and providing a clear and informative method of viewing logged Quake III: Arena data.

Challenge Mod For Q3A Version 1.36
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 06:20

Version 1.36 of the Challenge mod for Quake III: Arena is now available for download. The goal of the mod is to allow players to vote on their own game settings or rules.

Kiltron Texture Pack 01
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 06:10

MeanArena has put up their first texture pack for download. Comprised of 96 textures in all, this pack features a hodgepodge -- "some normal, alpha, some just plain crazy all together." An additional pack is expected to be released soon, which will have mostly alpha channel textures.

Mod Review: Viz 2.43 Beta
by Bomb @ Mon 03-13-2000 06:01

Satapher over at quake3mods.net has posted a review of the Viz 2.43 Beta mod. The author of this mod is the same guy that implemented visual weapons in Quake 2. The review is complete with screenshots and good ratings, so it's definitely worth a peek.

Quake3mods.net Mapping Tutorial #31
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 22:40

Jon from quake3mods.net has posted a new mapping tutorial that explains how to make a space-style map, and also includes a new texture and shader. Be sure to check it out by clicking here.

MilkShape 3D 1.2.0 Released
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 22:34

Version 1.2.0 of MilkShape 3D has been released today for download. The major update to this version is full MD3 support. MilkShape 3D is a shareware lowcount polygon modeler, which is capable of importing and exporting various (game) file formats. Thanks, Carl.

New Job Listing Section
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 20:42

I have created a new section on Q3Arena.com that lists all of the available jobs that we have available here. If you are interested in working with us, click here to access the latest listings.

Quake III: Arena Mission Pack
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 20:19

Development of a Quake III: Arena Mission Pack was mentioned at the Game Developer's Conference. Some shots of Paul Steed's models for the pack can be found at Gamespy's GDC coverage website. The models are shots taken from a monitor with a camera, but the quality is good.

T.E.C. v1.2 Available
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 20:13

Version 1.2 of T.E.C. is now available for download. There are two versions of it; a patch (591 KB), and a full version (2.1 MB). The patch includes the updated docs and the new pak1.pk3 file. The full version includes the new docs, pak0.pk3, and the new pak1.pk3 files. A bug may be encountered with the mod, but apparently it affects other mods as well:
There is a bug with id's code that causes a double startup when running mods. It not only affects T.E.C., but other mods as well. There is a way to get around this annoyance by creating a shortcut (Windows only) to the game which has fs_game already set to tec. This problem can be annoying but isn't going to cause you any problems with playing the game. We'll release something that you can use to launch T.E.C. with the next patch.
T.E.C. is a new mod for Quake III: Arena that brings back 4 techs from Quake II, the grapple, and a few additional features.

Urban Software Homepage Updated
by Bomb @ Sun 03-12-2000 18:13

The Urban Software homepage has been updated with a new coding tutorial and screenshots of the upcoming mod CtG v1.0 (Capture The Gunz). Check out their site for complete details!

Averisk Leaving
by Averisk @ Sun 03-12-2000 00:34

It seems that I am leaving. I had too much work on my hands so I didn't have time to add news everyday. If you want to keep in touch with me you can check out my company website -- Alientrap. Alientrap is a new company and if there are any developers out there we could really use them.

Qtracker v2.3 Beta 17 Released
by Bomb @ Sat 03-11-2000 22:36

Version 2.3 Beta 17 of Qtracker has been released for download. This is a maintenance release which fixes several bugs, including a large memory leak which was introduced in Beta 16. New to this release are Half-Life (and any half-life mod) remote server administration, 3 server full sounds provided by Sanctum6, and ICMP trace route functionality. Qtracker is server browser, server launcher, MP3 streaming audio browser, and HTML server list generator for Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

Quake3 Flash
by Averisk @ Sat 03-11-2000 16:35

If you have such a crap computer that you can't play quake3 then here is the site for you! It is a flash version of quake3, although it takes some features out what else do you crap computer geeks have to do?

Nemesis Online by Vondur
by Averisk @ Sat 03-11-2000 16:28

The latest Quake III DM level from Vondur has been released. Keep in mind that this file is very fresh and it will take some time to hit the mirrors. The level Nemesis Online is rated for 4 to 6 player FFA action.

by Averisk @ Fri 03-10-2000 08:30

Z-Axis has has 5 Quake3:Arena map reviews. LvL has put up seven new reviews for you to feast your eyes on. M.O.B.S. Review Crew has also dropped 13 new reviews onto their site.

New Omega Skin Pack
by Averisk @ Thu 03-09-2000 09:36

Omega has released a skin pack for Quake III that promises "military skins". Contains four skins and if they our like the other Omega skins then it is worth the download.

Sneak v0.3
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 22:17

New version of Sneak out. New features like smoother weapons pickup, gauntlet now has similar ability to airfist, and much more.

Fragmotor Productions
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 19:09

Fragmotor Productions has just released a new mod called "Possesion". Possession is a team based mod for Quake3: Arena in which each team must fight for both flags.

Quake III Camera
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 17:32

Quake III Camera is now available on the Q3Cam page. This mod brings third-person camera viewing to Quake III Arena games, allowing you to watch games live or record them for later viewing.

Quake 1 DM Maps Converted to Quake III
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 17:12

The three Quake 1 DM maps have been converted to quake3. The downloads are the ever loved Q1 DM6, Q1 DM2 and Q1DM4. You can download them here.

Alliance CTF v .05 Release
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 13:27

This CTF is out for windows/linux/mac and weighs a mere 28 MBs. It offers five CTF maps, Two grapple styles, and much more. You can get this mod here.

Carmack on Video Cards
by Averisk @ Wed 03-08-2000 08:18

Id Software's John Carmack wrote one of his huge plans files today. He talks about "virtualized video card local memory." Here is just a piece of it:
This is something I have been preaching for a couple years, but I finally got around to setting all the issues down in writing. First, the statement: Virtualized video card local memory is The Right Thing. Now, the argument (and a whole bunch of tertiary information): If you had all the texture density in the world, how much texture memory would be needed on each frame?

T.E.C. v1.0 for Q3A
by Averisk @ Tue 03-07-2000 22:58

T.E.C. v1.0 for Q3A is out, offering the grappling hook and the full-featured Rocket Arena style overtime for team games. It also includes 4 original techs and 4 new ones and many configurable options.

New Q3arena Member
by Averisk @ Tue 03-07-2000 22:42

Hi, I am a new member of the q3arena team. My name is Lee "Averisk" Vermeulen. I have tons of History in HTML so they put me here, I am the new news updater. I hope to update daily as much as a can.

UMass Dartmouth - QMass
by Averisk @ Tue 03-07-2000 22:35

QMass is a killer new gaming site by one of our great fans. This online gaming community center can be visted here. This site has pics of the week, and daily news and everything a PC gamer wants.

Version 1.5 of Nerf Quake II Released
by Bomb @ Mon 03-06-2000 23:21

Version 1.5 of Nerf Quake II has been released for download. This release adds a new front end for the game and also alters the behavior of the weapons to act more like Nerf guns. Before installing the new version, you will want to delete the old installation. Be sure to check out the website for upgrade/installation instructions.

New Point Release Beta
by Bomb @ Mon 03-06-2000 23:00

Robert Duffy updated his .plan earlier today announcing a new point release beta. Here's the details:
A new point release beta is out and on the FTP. We anticipate removing the beta tag in the very near future. We have been doing a lot of testing on connection issues, cheat preventions, auto-downloading as well as running a lot of the new mods through it. Things look good, some of the mods heading our way look fantastic!

This also contains a CTF version of Q3Tourney6 which is tons of fun for 2 on 2 CTF.

One key thing is that when connecting to a pure server both sides will have to be using the latest point release as we updated the pak2.pk3. This is not much of an issue once this version propogates a bit but it is something to keep in mind.

There are 3 issues of note with this version ( 2 of them Linux only )

- ZFree errors, on some Linux systems you may see ZFree allocation errors. This happens mostly when fiddling with the mouse etc. during map loads. We are looking into this ( as is Loki ).
- Mods directory does not show mods ( Linux only )
- Starting a team game with bots does not automatically assign the player ( you ) to a team.

As before, please forward bug and other information to raduffy@idsoftware.com.
You can download the latest point release beta via id Software's FTP site.

Bid For Power News
by Bomb @ Sun 03-05-2000 23:57

Vegeta Week at the Bid For Power website has official begun and to kick it off they have released some High Quality renders of their Vegeta model in various attack positions including the Big Bang Attack, Ki Charge, Flight, the Renzoku Energy Dan attack and many more. If you are unsure what Vegeta Week is or want to see the renders, please check out their website.

Qtracker v2.3 Beta 16 Released
by Bomb @ Sun 03-05-2000 23:52

Qtracker v2.3 Beta 16 has been released for download. This new release adds a cool looking "Find Internet Games" wizard to make finding servers extremely easy, and visually appealing. Pings are now ICMP-based. Searching for servers is now several times faster. Quake III: Arena IPX & password support has been added, as well as support for Soldier of Fortune. There are now more filters, and filters can specify command-lines when connecting to a game. Qtracker is server browser, server launcher, MP3 streaming audio browser, and HTML server list generator for Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

New Version of QBind Available
by Bomb @ Sun 03-05-2000 23:48

A new version of QBind has been released featuring support for the last point release of Quake III: Arena as well as a long list of tweaks. A special version for Windows 2000 is also now available. QBind is a binding/scripting/config editor for Quake/Quake II/Quake III engine games that works like notepad with the added feature of a graphical mouse/keyboard display and syntax coloring for all the commands.

Map Review - Zoid's Antilogic
by Bomb @ Sun 03-05-2000 23:41

Hellhound has posted a review of Zoid's Quake III: Arena DeathMatch/Team map, DeathMatch Antilogic. Be sure to check it out!

Positions Still Available
by Bomb @ Sun 03-05-2000 00:17

Q3Arena.com still has some job openings for people who wish to volunteer their time to help us. We are looking for a few people to help with news, interviews, mapping, skinning, coding, and more. If you think your skills would be of interest to us, drop me a line by emailing bomb@q3arena.com. :)

New Quake III: Arena CTF Strategy Guide
by Bomb @ Fri 03-03-2000 23:37

Hellhound has posted a new Quake III: Arena CTF Strategy Guide. The Strategy Guide gives tips on how to control your team, guard your base, capture an enemy's flag, how to go about making squadrons and much more. If you're into CTF or want to get started this is a good resource to check out!

Quake3 Zone Prize Drawing
by Bomb @ Fri 03-03-2000 23:33

The Quake3 Zone is having a drawing with the prize being a Quake III: Arena Jersey. Two winners will be choosen at random and notified by email. Contest ends March 10th, 2000. Check out the site for more details.

Interview with Mr. White
by Bomb @ Thu 03-02-2000 23:42

Alliance News has a new interview posted with Mr White, the man behind many of the best maps for LMCTF and the much anticipated Alliance Mod. The interview gets personal as well as getting an inside scoop on some of the secret features of the Alliance Mod.

EuroLAN Site Opening
by Bomb @ Wed 03-01-2000 23:52

The EuroLAN website has gone live, with details of their first event now available. EuroLAN #1 will be a 90 player LAN party in Brighton (UK) over the weekend of April 1st. Servers will be running all the major first person shooters, and there will be Quake 3 deathmatch and CTF tournaments during the event, giving folks the chance to win some great prizes. Check out the site for full details!

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