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JailBreak: POW Interview @ Q3Center
by mayhemm @ [01:09 PM] June 28 2001

F4nt0m45 from Q3Center has posted a review of the BKP-Mods (Black Knight Productions) Team mod called JailBreak POW.  Just to get ya up to speed this is a mod which was a pretty popular Q2 mod, that has just been released for Quake3Arena.  The Mod is a teamplay mod that pits players from each team trying to send the other team to "jail" until the next match.  Here's a lil' snip from the review:
In Jb:POW you need teamwork, and lots of it. Sure all other mods say this and it isn't really true. But in this mod, without your team mates, you'll just be bumming in jail. Speaking of jails, some jail cells contain a nice little hole for you to sneak yourself out of, although you'll need a person to climb up on.
Also there's an instagib game mode which is actually a lot more fun than I expected.
Read the rest of the review right here.

Vermillion Dream Ready4 Download
by mayhemm @ [12:50 PM] June 28 2001

Vermillion Dream has been released for those Quake3 fans who are hungry a new map, and sick of tired of playing DM17 (anyone playing me-heh.)  This map is a collaboration map by Scott Macgregor of Digital Extremes, and Russell Meakim of Laced Neptune, and actually contains two maps within the .pk3 file.  I had a chance to play it using the Instagib Mod, and I can say a few things about them.  They are really nice looking maps, with huge railing areas, great textures, and they are FAST.  This map should be a worthwhile download (around 9.4 megs) for admins looking for new maps for their server rotation.  While you're at Laced Neptune, go ahead and check out the rest of the maps they have for download.  Grab it here.

Q3-Generations Arena
by mayhemm @ [12:16 PM] June 28 2001

Well folks, there's a new Mod in town, and it's called Generations Arena by Wirehead Studios.  Here's a cut'n'paste from their FAQ to let you know just WTF Generations Arena is all about:
One of the greatest qualities of games like QuakeIIIArena is their open-ended architecture that lets anyone with sufficient coding and artistic talent add on to and expand the game. These modifications, or "mods," can take a game above and beyond its original gameplay.  Generations Arena is a class-based modification. The warriors of Quake3 are divided into five classes, or generations. Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses, such as running speed, weaponry, and ability to take damage. Players select one class and fight against other players, who may be using totally different classes.  Generations Arena, at first glance, appears to be a typical class-based mod. But the similarities end at choosing a class. While every gun is unique to every class, the other generations may have a similar weapon that works better or worse in certain situations. Ranger's Rocket Launcher may outperform Grunt's in almost every category, but his Super Nailgun is no match for Grunt's massive Chaingun....
Sounds kindof interesting--and there's more to that FAQ, I just didn't want to fill the whole page here with it :) The mod is ready for download, or you can just read about it right here.

Metal of Honor: Allied Assault New Screenies
by mayhemm @ [09:57 PM] June 27 2001

Here's the latest update on a game which is quickly becoming an obsession with me.  This game, published by Electronic Arts and developed by 2015 (no, I've NEVER heard of them before this) uses the Quake3 engine to it's fullest advantage from what I can see. It's a game called Metal of Honor:  Allied Assault.  They have updated their web page with three new screenshots of the Omaha Beach mission that was shown at the game's E3 exhibit. The web page also has a weapon description (the Browning automatic rifle) and a list of fan sites for the game. Click on one of the screenies below to see what they're all about.

Thanks goes to VoodooExtreme for hooking me up.  Check out the rest of the site right here.

Return to Wolfenstein & Cloud Interview up @ VoodooExtreme
by mayhemm @ [10:42 AM] June 27 2001

Just when I thought, that's it's been too long since I've heard any news about Return to Castle Wolfenstein, along comes VoodooExtreme to the rescue.  Recently, they sat down with iDSoftware's Kevin Cloud, who is the go-between between iD and Grey Matter (who is developing the game).  Here's a cut'n'paste from the interview to whet ur whistle:
Voodoo Extreme -- The AI in RTCW is very impressive. Enemies seek cover when reloading, and hone in well on sounds. What other cool AI features does the game have?
[Kevin Cloud]: One of the coolest things is that the AI is based on a state system. Enemies are generally in a "relaxed" state where they will stand at-ease, smoke, look at maps, etc. If an enemy sees something (example - a dead body) or hears something (example - a bullet hitting a wall near them) suspicious, they enter an "alert" state where they become more aware of their surroundings and begin searching. Once they have recognized you or know where you are at, they enter a combat mode where they’ll attack, sound the alarm, alert other guards, etc. It is a system that is incredibly dynamic and increases the emphasis on the tactical nature in which you play the game.  
A pretty good interview with some sweet@$$ screenshots to spice it up.  Go check it out right here.

Mappers@Z-Axis Open for Bizzness
by mayhemm @ [10:38 AM] June 27 2001

Hmmm, don't know how I missed this (hmmm Rum and Coke?), but I always say, "better late than never!!"  Karnatos, from Z-Axis sends out word that they have opened up a new section to their site called Mapper@Z-Axis.  This new section, which is geared towards promoting the mappers in the gaming scene, will the following things:
...help mappers get the word out about their work, let people know what they are working on, inform the community of your latest project's progress, and a place to show off your maps with a few pictures. All of this is done by filling out a few simple forms, and it will automatically be published to the website.
So, if you wanna promote your map projects and get feedback from the masses, and--gasp--have your very own .plan file, go on down to their site and check it out.

DCS Light Beta 1.0 Ready for Download
by mayhemm @ [10:28 AM] June 27 2001

Ralph Stoesser sends word over from the land of the Huns (Germany :-/) that he has made DSC light 1.0 beta available for public download.  So, just WTF is DSC light?  I'm glad you asked! :-)  DSC (Demo Show Creator) light 1.0 beta is a demo player for Quake3 Arena 1.29f, which allows the user to view recorded quake game demos without having to go through the rigmarole of opening up Q3A and playing the demo that way.  Here's a few other features of this nifty program:

  • It can play 1.17, 1.27h, 1.29f demos via double click in Windows Explorer.
  • Properties of demos in Windows Explorer (file details, scores, winner, pov...)
  • Convert 1.17 -> 1.27h in Windows Explorer. -Many configuring options, easy to use.

You can download this from his site or directly from here.

Full Metal Jacket Update
by awoq @ [11:03 PM] June 26 2001

The Full Metal Jacket team has updated their site with new news and screenshots of their upcoming mod for Q3A. On the site you will find news about their alpha builds and there is a job opening for an Animator. Check out the Full Metal Jacket site for more details.

Super IP Ready 4 U Germans Too!!
by mayhemm @ [02:37 PM] June 25 2001

'Cowboy' Ben Alman of SuperIP fame, sends word that his on-line game management system and server query tool for mIRC is now available in both English and German for you multi-lingual or just germanlingual (Heh) folks. SuperIP supports Tribes, Tribes 2, Quake 3, and Half-Life, including most major Mods. If you use mIRC and play on-line multiplayer games, SuperIP is the tool you've been looking for, and trust me, it works like a charm; I use it to kill a little on UrbanTerror.  Get your own copy right here.

Bugger the Wasp Ready 4U
by mayhemm @ [02:16 PM] June 25 2001

Little David Lee Ash from Violation Entertainment sends word pimpin' out his site and a new model he has for offer.  The model is called Bugger the Wasp, and--after taking a look at it--it doesn't look too bad.  So, if you're interesting in trying out a new model besides Major with Sarge's head :)  go ahead and check it out.  BTW, he also offers up some maps for download.  Check it out here.

Q3A JailBreak: PoW Release
by awoq @ [12:38 PM] June 24 2001

After many months of testing, JailBreak: Prisoners of War has been released and is now available from Black Knight Productions and Team Reaction.
What is it? Here is part of the description from the makers:
JB:PoW is a joint release by Black Knight Productions and Team Reaction, combining the strengths of their Prisoners of War and Q3A Jailbreak mods, as well as adding new features and maps.

Jailbreak: Prisoners of War (JB:PoW) is a Quake3 teamplay modification where your objective is to send all the players on the opposing team to jail. Whenever you frag an opposing player, they will respawn in your jail. Sounds easy, right? Except that while you are trying to send the opposing team to jail, they will also be trying to put your team in their jail. You can free your jailed teammates by making your way into the enemy base and pressing the release button. It also may be possible for prisoners to escape from jail, if they work together.

- Jails!
- Customized HUD
- Backpacks
- Turrets
- Security cameras
- Lightning gun discharge
- Customize railgun trails and icons
- Instagib mode
- Map voting
- Competition mode (referees and team captains)
- Bot support

New Q3A Configurator, ACE
by awoq @ [05:41 PM] June 23 2001

A brand new Q3A config editor is now available called ACE (Advanced Config Editor). The editor is freeware and has a homepage online that offers a description of the tool, a download area, where you can obtain the latest version 0.92b, and screenshots of it.
Some of the description of the editor is as follows:
ACE is a config editor for player-related settings. It cannot edit server settings or settings which could have effect on hardware requirements! ACE's main goal is the creation of independent player configs which can be easily transferred to other computers.
Find out more at the ACE homepage.

New Mac Clasic Build for Q3A
by awoq @ [08:58 PM] June 21 2001

id Software's very own Graeme Devine updated his .plan with news of a Mac Classic build of 1.29f.
Here is what he had to say:
A Mac Classic build of 1.29f is in the process of being posted to the id ftp site.

I have not had time to make an installer, or extensively test this build. SO IT MIGHT NOT WORK. However, because of user demand I am making it available asap. If you want to download the .sit file and give it a go, it'll be there shortly.

The filename is quake3-MacClassic-1.29f-BETA.sit
You can now find the Mac release and all of the other available releases here.

Alliance 2.5 beta out
by mayhemm @ [11:23 AM] June 19 2001

The Alliance team throws their lot in with what should be the first in an avalanche of mod updates to accompany the new Q3 point release.  Yes, you heard it here, the Alliance Team has updated to version 2.5 beta of their "free-addon" to Quake3 Arena.  Without further adieu, you can snatch it right here.

New Maps @ Quake3World
by mayhemm @ [10:29 AM] June 19 2001

Good news for you guys (or gals) looking for some new maps to kick that other clan's @$$.  Quake3World has updated their map section  with three more levels. There's two new Team Arena maps and one Q3A map to check out.
  • Celestial Mechanics (TA) by Eraser
  • Black Towers (TA) by phooka
  • Climbing up the walls (Q3A) by rfw
You can find them in the June 2001 area.

QCheck 3.0.2 Released
by mayhemm @ [10:03 AM] June 19 2001

Deth, from the QCheck team has sent word (actually he sent it yesterday, but it took me that long to wade through all the hotmail pr0n spam!!) that he has released version 3.0.2 of QCheck, that little mIRC addon that works with gamespy, that sets the user away when the user joins a game through gamespy.  This release it primarily a bug fix release but there are also some new features, including a "Quick Launch" and ZDaemon support.  Although its name is derived from Quake, it actually works with every game supported by Gamespy.  Here's a lil' funny cut'n'paste from his faq to explain that:
Since then, GameSpy was renamed to uhm... "GameSpy" and started supporting more than just Quake. Since QCheck worked with GameSpy, it automatically supported the same set of games w/o me having to make any changes. Of course, the name of the script started to make less sense, but I'm a lazy uncreative bastard and I really suck with names. It took me 6 months to come up with a name for one of my cats and the Vet still has her listed as "Kitten". Unless I suddenly become inspired (or one of you suggests a really cool name), the script name will remain QCheck. :)
Go ahead and get it right here.

Quake 3 Point Release 1.29F!!!!!
by mayhemm @ [12:39 AM] June 19 2001

Yes Baybee!!! The long awaited next patch to Quake3 Arena was released by iDSoftware tonight, and there are quite a few busy mirrors burning up the net tonight!  There are many changes to the executable, and there are also some new professional-type tournament maps included in the download.  Here's a short list of the changes:
  • New pro maps
  • New network code
  • New auto-update system
  • New rail, rocket, plasma, and lightning gun effects
  • New cheating counter measures
Here's a short (heh) list of mirrors for the file:
Win32: Mac OS X: Linux: Linux Dedicated Server:
There are actually a lot more changes than what is listed.  You are welcome to check out the readme right here.  Also--to add a word of caution--you may want to make sure the admins of your favorite servers will be updating their server files, as the network code won't be compatible with previous releases.

UrbanTerror Update
by mayhemm @ [07:55 AM] June 18 2001

Was checking out the Silicon-Ice webpage (waaahh??!! You don't know them?? They make UrbanTerror, for those of you living under a rock.) and noticed news about a bug they found in the 2.0 beta release of their realistic, action packed, teamplay Q3TC, which seems to be ripping up the internet lately.  Seems that many peeps found the bug when they stood in front of someone, and emptied a machinegun at them--and missed!  Well, the fine folks at Silicon-Ice are happy to report that they have found the bug and have quashed it.  Here's what they had to say about it:

Well, the hit bug is finally history. After some snooping and testing and watching of many demos sent in by kind people, we finally managed to track down the issue and Apoxol was able to wipe the little blighter out for good.
This means that if you miss other players in 2.1 then it's a fair dinkum miss, and you can no longer blame the coders ;) We've also patched a few other things and are working through a long list of other bugs and errata supplied by eagle eyed players. We're hoping to get a patch for these things out in a couple of weeks (we need to spend some time testing to make sure we are not adding in new bugs).
Hopefully the new patch will be coming out real soon; I know a few peeps who are reaping too much of a benefit from this bug ;-)  They are also slated to release a map pack with the new patch, so it may be well worth the wait for this kick-@$$ Q3TC.  Check out the news and more about UrbanTerror right here.

New Screenshots Galore!
by awoq @ [09:42 PM] June 17 2001

Explosive Design has released some screenshots of the reworked da_hill and da_dungeon melee maps to be released soon. Check them out and see!

The Bid for Power team have also released new screenshots of their Q3 total conversion. The shots are showing off a lot of different aspects of Bid For Power including the return of the Oozaru and a nice group attack shot.

..::LvL Map Pack 2: The Top Peg Ready 4U
by mayhemm @ [08:24 AM] June 16 2001

Speaking of map packs, that good chap ..::LvL, from ..::LvL Q3A addition has released his #2 map pack, The Top Peg.  A total of 12 maps have been included in this pack, including such maps as Wicked, by FxR|jude and Decker and a new version of Gothic Rage, by Quaker-X.  I haven't had a chance to play them, but they look pretty sweet.  The pack weighs-in at 25.2 megs and can be downloaded right here.

Signs of Chaos Map Pack
by mayhemm @ [08:45 PM] June 15 2001

This is good and happy news for all of us who are sick and tired of playing dat same ol' DM17! The Signs of Chaos Team has released a 3-map pack for the Team Arena Expansion Pack. The maps include support for CTF, Harvester, Overload and One Flag gametypes. Those of you who are still having "broadband envy :)" may be a little distressed by the size of the map (23 megs!), because each map has it's own in game movie included. If you want to see what it's all about go check them out on their review page, or if you're the daring type, you can download those maps right here.

MSNBC Cheating Article
by mayhemm @ [09:56 AM] June 15 2001

I will never understand why people who cheat in Quake or other games can think it's fun.  I had a friend who, when playing single player fps games, would always turn on god mode--and he would think it was fun.  To me, if the challenge is gone, then I don't like the game any longer.  Anyways, I noticed a report on MSNBC, within which they talk about the growing problem of hacking and cheating in games, and how game developers are responding to it. Here is a cut'n'paste:
But game developers also have themselves to blame. For years, programmers put hidden codes into their single-player games so that they could take shortcuts as they tested them. Game magazines and Web sites began a lucrative side business telling players how to use these codes to cheat. InterAct Accessories, for instance, sells GameShark, a “video game enhancer” that has thousands of cheat codes for beating PlayStation video games
So there ya go.  It's a pretty interesting read and worth your time (if you like reading :P).  Check out the rest of it right here.

New Q3 Server Wizard
by awoq @ [01:50 PM] June 14 2001

A new version 1.6 of Q3 Server Wizard is now available. Q3 Server Wizard is a utility for starting up Quake III servers with the options you want. The new version brings more mod support to Urban terror 2 and Weapons Factory Arena. Find out more at the Q3 Server Wizard site.

NSQ3 Interview @ 3DActionPlanet
by mayhemm @ [11:29 AM] June 12 2001

3d Action Planet has posted an interview with Democritus, one of the bad boys behind the Navy Seals: Covert Operations team. Here's a little cut'n'paste:
3DActionPlanet: What, most notably, are fans going to be seeing with the Q3 engine that simply wasn't possible with the older Half-Life technology.

Democritus: Shaders I tell you! Shaders! Those things are awesome. They are pure magic, I tell you! As I already mentioned, the HL engine is older. It has a limited palette on skins and models. It does not have terrain mapping support and its maps are restricted to a smaller size. It does not have shaders nor does it have curved surfaces. Oh and the UI isn't as customizable as Q3's is. Q3 is just darn customizable, and we just changed about everything. Oh well. I better stop here.
Read the rest of the interview or check out those sweet@$$ screenshots right here.

Annihilation Review @ Q3Center
by mayhemm @ [11:15 AM] June 12 2001

Speaking of Annihilation, Q3Center has posted a review of the beta or those of you who are not sure if you want to try that sucker out.  Here's a cut'n'paste of it to whet ur whistle:
All in all, pretty good for a first beta. When I first got a hold of it, I was annoyed to no end with it. After playing it for an hour or so I noticed that it really rocks pretty hard. Besides the problems with the maps that I had, I definitely give this mod my approval. If you got the speed, get the beta, and the update. Then you're ready to rock and roll.
Go ahead and read the rest of it.  It's a pretty good one, and should help you to decide on whether you want to try this out.

Annihilation Patch and Server Files
by awoq @ [11:03 AM] June 12 2001

The Annihilation team has released a patch for their Beta 1 offering. The patch address's three problems with the release. What they were was not stated on the site. Also up on the Annihilation site is a zip file for anyone wanting to start a server. It includes a bat file for launching a dedicated one and a server.cfg.

Annihilation Beta 1 Release
by awoq @ [09:22 PM] June 10 2001

The Annihilation total conversion for Quake III team has released Beta 1 to the public. Annihilation is set in WWII with weapons, vehicles and features that will keep everyone busy. The main file is a whopping 79Mb and the media file for it is 30Mb. Plug in your T1 connection and go to the Annihilation site and grab it! The first release is only on File Planet at this time but more mirrors will surely follow.

New QBind Version Release
by awoq @ [06:46 PM] June 09 2001

Clandestyne Software has released a new version of QBind, the FREE binding/script editor for all versions of Quake. The new beta 0.90 version contains important fixes and they tell us that all current users should download it asap. Some of the new things in beta 0.90 are:
  • Lowercase keynames now inserted for all versions of Quake.
  • Changed open file buttons to tab style.
  • Fixed some problems with file associations.
  • Fixed problem under w2k when opening files from explorer.
Find out more at the Clandestyne Software site in the QBind section.

CPL Announces 4-Year Anniversary Changes
by awoq @ [02:03 PM] June 08 2001

The CPL announced today some changes for their 4 year anniversary to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas TX on the dates of June 28 - July 1. Among the changes are that the Quake World tournament has been increased from $15,000 to $20,000 and an additional $1,000 for charity. Here is the prize breakdown:
  • 1st 5000
  • 2nd 3000
  • 3rd 2000
  • 4th 1500
  • 5th 1200
  • 6th 1000
  • 7th 800
  • 8th 500
  • 9-16th 300
  • 17-24th 200
The additional $1,000 will be donated to The Dallas Children's Advocacy Center (www.dcac.org), a non-profit organization specializing in child victims of sexual and physical abuse, courtesy of Altec Lansing.

Admission is $40 for the 4-day event. Online registration is located HERE.

After checking this out, I found that you better hurry to get in on this as were are only a few spots left!!!

New Eternal Arena
by awoq @ [08:35 PM] June 07 2001

A new version 4.2 of Eternal Arena has been released. The new update offers graphics tweaks, new features and more!
Here's the list of improvements:
  • Flying Gibs (new gamemode)
  • Explosion particle effects
  • Trail particle effects
  • Reconfigured some menus
  • Bots know how to use the grapple
  • Bots roam arena properly
  • Inserted gamemode selection before map/bots
  • Slight player model view change
  • Some new artwork (more to come)

Q3-WFA Runner Release 1.0
by awoq @ [09:47 PM] June 06 2001

A new version 1.0 of the Q3-WFA Runner server utility for Quake 3 Weapons Factory Arena has been released on the Custom Installations site. The new version offers a couple of minor bugs fixes and additions. On the site you will find the download and screenshots of the new release.

ELSA CPL European Championships Announcement
by awoq @ [05:32 PM] June 05 2001

We just received a news item about the Elsa CPL Championships to be held from August 3rd through August 5th, 2001 in London UK. Here's the whole story:
The CPL Europe (http://www.cpleurope.com) would like to announce first details to its second CPL Europe tournament this year.

From August 3rd through August 5th, 2001, we'll be holding the ELSA CPL Europe Championships. One of London's Novotel hotels will host the event, offering excellent spectator possibilities for all visitors. We're proud to announce that ELSA will be our main sponsor for this spectacle, making it possible for us to offer a total prize purse of € 30,000!

The ELSA CPL Europe Championships will incorporate a BYOC area for a maximum of 350 amature players. The two disciplines at this event will be Counter-Strike 5on5 and Quake 3 Team Deathmatch 4on4.

Furthermore, the CPL Europe relaunched their main website in conjunction with this announcement with a brand new design and more up-to-date information.

More Alliance Tids
by mayhemm @ [09:42 PM] June 04 2001

Mr. White from the Alliance Team gives us heads-up that they have posted a little movie that features their popular, and huge, Q3Mod..  Who better to tell you the details than Mr. White himself?  Here's a cut'n'past:
We've put together a little movie that shows bots grapple flinging and pogoing (offhanded weapon jumping) in the heat of battle.  We're very excited about our new bot code.  We feel it will greatly benefit the single player and the online Alliance fans.
So....whatcha waitn' fer?  Check out the movie right here.

Urban Terror Manual
by awoq @ [05:19 PM] June 03 2001

For those of you that might need a little help getting around in the new version of the Urban Terror mod, Silicon Ice has posted a manual for you. The manual isn't quite complete at this moment but the author says he will be updating it on a regular basis. Even so, the manual is packed full of information so get on over to the Silicon Ice site and check it out!

UrbanTerror Beta2 Released for PC and Mac!!
by mayhemm @ [08:25 AM] June 02 2001

The UrbanTerror team have released Beta 2 of the popular TC for Quake 3: Arena.  Don't know what UrbanTerror is?  Well, UrbanTerror is a "total conversion mod" for Quake III Arena based on action and realism. Urban Terror is a completely free add-on to id Software's Quake III Arena, and--from the looks of the screenies--it's lookin' pretty damn sweet.  It's offered in win32 executable form, in zip format and also Mac format.  There's a mirror list on their site and the file weighs in at around 60 megs, so it shouldn't be too big of a download for all of us on a fat pipe.  Go get it!

Alliance 2.5 Tidbits
by mayhemm @ [08:08 AM] June 02 2001

Here's some Good News and Bad News for all of you Alliance fans.  Mr. White sends word from the Alliance Team to their mod of the same name (might as well call it a free add-on, as big as it is :) has been updated while they're waiting for the next Quake3 Point Release.  In this new version, they have updated what single player bots can do,  they have updated their animation, and have totally revamped the combat system.  Heh, the bad news is that you will have to wait a little longer for what will be called Alliance 2.5; they won't release it until iD releases the next point release.  Check 'em out right here.

Trip to id Software
by awoq @ [04:22 PM] June 01 2001

Jim 'Rellik' McDougald of Canada, who won an internet auction for a trip to id Software with all the trimmings has an interesting article up detailing his adventure. There is some mention of the new Doom game in it and overall the whole story was written well. Check it out at NewDoom.com!

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