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Doom 3 GOLD
by DGhost @ [03:08 PM] July 14 2004

The word is out, the planet is shacking, Doom 3 is officially GOLD, here's the .plan from Todd
Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!

Name: Todd Hollenshead
Description: CEO
Last Updated: 07/14/2004 12:36:49 (Central Standard Time)
7-14-2004 11:52 AM CDT

IT'S DONE!!!!!!!

Yes, this is the official word that DOOM 3 has been code released and has been approved for manufacturing! It won't be long now until the anticipation ends and the PH34R begins ;-) We literally just hung up with Activision and have confirmed that our latest release candidate has been mutually approved and is finally GOLD. Thanks to everyone for their patience (yeah right! =) and for everyone at id, Activision and our numerous partners for helping us create what I believe is absolutely the best game we have ever made.

So, the next question is release dates. Retailers in the States will be allowed to pick up games starting at 12:01 AM on August 3rd. The official street date is actually August 5th in the U.S.A., but some of your favorite stores will probably have it early for those of you who have to have it first. Check with your local retailer for that information.

Internationally, the game will take a few more days to make it to the store shelves. The UK will probably get it first, on or about August 6th. Everywhere else will probably be Friday, August 13th (que Twilight Zone Theme) or close to that date, with just a few exceptions (e.g. Russia and Poland). This isn't because we don't have love for you folks outside the U.S., but the localization and manufacturing process takes a bit longer outside the U.S. where we will have JVC run 24/7 to get the units built. I guess the European manufacturers prefer to give their employees nights and weekends off. Go figure!

The champagne is flowing here at id and smiles abound!

I'll update again with some DOOM 3 preparation tips (not what hardware to buy - you'll have to wait for a programmer for that sort of thing). In the meantime, I want to see those "DOOM 3 GOLD!!!" threads set new records for swamping message board servers, destroying productivity, and post counts ;-)

Recapping today's headlines....DOOM 3 GOLD!!!
Full press release is here. I couldn't stop myself from posting that! :) At last, time for me to upgrade my computer!

QuakeCon 2004 CTF Tourney Updates
by tIKi_mAn @ [11:03 AM] July 14 2004

After getting much feedback (or complaining) QuakeCon.Org has updated the Q3 CTF maplist to the following: q3ctf2, q3w2, q3wcp1, q3wcp9, and q3wcp15. Leave a comment on what you think about that if you are playing, so far they are intresting. Of course, full tournament details and more on the QuakeCon site.

MilkShape 3D Update
by tIKi_mAn @ [10:55 PM] July 09 2004

Q3 Modelers might want to swing by the Chumbalum Soft site to check out the latest update to MilkShape 3D. Lots of updates, and a few new features. Just don't forget to keep it refrigerated.

Q3Map 2.5.15
by tIKi_mAn @ [11:01 PM] July 09 2004

ydnar survived his bike trek across the US, and back in action pushing out another update to Q3Map2. Along the fixes some some new toys for mappers.
  • New: q3map_rgbGen, q3map_rgbMod or q3map_colorGen, q3map_colorMod
  • New: q3map_alphaGen const (like q3map_alphaMod set)
  • New: q3map_noVertexLight to suppress overwriting of vertex rgb
Swing by SplashDamage Forums for all the details, and a picture of ydnar half way to LA.

QuakeCon 2004 Tournaments
by tIKi_mAn @ [11:01 PM] July 09 2004


Now if that does not scream a good reason to go to QuakeCon, I am not sure what does. Amoung the toureys will the the first ever DooM3 tourney, Q3 One on One, and Four on Four Q3 CTF. Hope to see you there.

Happy Fourth of July! (USA)
by awoq @ [02:34 PM] July 04 2004

The staff of Q3Arena.com would like to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. May your celebrations be both fun and safe.

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