Call of duty demo released

by DGhost @ [01:30 AM] August 30 2003
The latest game using the Quake 3 engine, Call of duty (from the same team that designed Medal of honor) is now available for download (only the demo version mind you). While checking for the demo, I've found some interresting tidbits about the release of the demo itself by Activision. You can read the news here. On the other hand if you want to download the demo, you can do it from:
FilePlanet Sorry I only found 2 sites that got the demo so far and their both asking for a registration. If you got other links for downloading the demo, feel free to share them in the comments section of this post!
Rocket Arena 1.7 available for download

by DGhost @ [04:09 PM] August 28 2003
The Ataxia team has released a new update for Rocket Arena 3, making it to version 1.7 and introducing new features: Three new maps, plus one updated (ra3map16)
User definable colors for enemies and teammates
Option to have no picmip for certain things
Accuracy award
Improved netcode (removed the "built-in-lag", smoother movement, better hit prediction)
Scoreboard groups people in other arenas by arena.
Team captains and team captain commands
Display current time and timezone
Warmup in compmode
IP bans stored in database, unlimited number of bans
Admin definable callvotes
Log format changed: Timestamps are in "real" time.
Avg team ping and team damage added to scoreboard.
Misc Bug fixes Download is available here.
PunkBuster update

by DGhost @ [10:49 PM] August 27 2003
A small update on the PunkBuster has been released, fixing a small bug: addressed a bug in v1.043 related to win32 multi-threaded DNS resolution. Quake 3 admins may want to read the whole update on how to install the patch as they may encounter a small problem while trying to update their PB server. Check out the release news for all the details.
Quake 1 CTF game

by DGhost @ [06:17 PM] August 27 2003
I'm sorry but it seems that I've got a Quake 1 frenzy these days. Get ready to rumble as clan RuM has sent an open invitation for those of you out there that got the blues and would like to play Threewave CTF in classic style. I mean Quake 1 style. That's right, it's gonna be a Threewave CTF bash/fight tonight on 8:00 pm EDT and the server adress is: ctf.clan-rum.org:26000. You can join the clan before the game on their IRC chan #clan_rum from the irc.enterthegame.com network. Be sure also to get the Threewave mod for Quake 1 here. Thank to PlanetQuake for the info!
What is wrong with your Quake?

by DGhost @ [07:05 PM] August 26 2003
Okay folks, I've got some really old stuff for you. TextQuake. Asci text graphix while playing in Quake 1. I've seen 2 screenshots ( here) and the only thing to make it works is to have Quake 1 running on linux. Question : can you recognize from which part of Quake was these screenshots taken? Text graphics in Quake? Like the author said on it's webpage, this is just plain wrong!
Round2 from RocketBear

by DGhost @ [09:34 PM] August 23 2003
Remember Oaned from RocketBear? Well, he's back again with a new video for us, showing a lot of good shots! Round2 is what you want to download! Like the previous movie, all shots where taken in Rocket Arena.
Pictures, more pictures and again some new pictures

by DGhost @ [05:29 PM] August 21 2003
Whoa, the webpage of the QuakeCon 2003 has now been updated with all the links to the event's coverage and a lot of fan's gallery. Lots of crazy pictures and some that I can only make: No comments on it.
It's raining maps, again

by DGhost @ [05:19 PM] August 20 2003
QuakeCon 2003 pictures

by DGhost @ [07:43 PM] August 19 2003
Want some pictures of the QuakeCon 2003? The webpage of the event has not been updated with all the links for the pictures yet, but until then I've found the webpage of Yossman where he put all the pics he got of all past QuakeCon and the latest one. You can find his webpage here. On the other side, if you want a point of view on the QuakeCon from the hardware side, be sure to check the webpage of Tom's hardware where they put some pictures of some crazy cases that was being displayed at the event. They even managed to get an interview with Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits!
The QuakeCon 2003 is closed!

by DGhost @ [10:11 PM] August 17 2003
So today was the official last day of the QuakeCon 2003. I will try to give you the best links I've found so far on the event and if you think that I've missed some, feel free to post the links in the comments section! The coverage from GameSpy is excellent and they managed to get an interview with John Carmak, even if he wasn't giving any speech this year. Here's a small part of it to give you as a taste: GameSpy: Are you going to retire after DOOM 3?
John Carmack: No. I've got at least one more rendering engine to write. The development of rendering engines is driven by two major factors. One of these is, of course, the question, "When you finish a game, is it time to write a new engine?" The answer is based on what is happening in the hardware space. A lots of comments on the futur of ID software is done. Good reading! On a completely different matter, I got a nice wallpaper made from the multiplayer demo of Doom 3 that was @ the QuakeCon this weekend. Thank to Nico for the link! Next is HomeLAN who also had the chance to sit down and talk with Tim Willits. Lots of nice info in the interview, like: Quake IV is also on the horizon and while Willits is supposed to be the game’s main supervisor from id, he admits, “It’s really Raven Software’s game; I really don’t do that much supervising.” As Quake IV will be a sequel to Quake II, Willits said that the game will have more of a space war theme than the original Quake or Quake III Arena. Willits did say that Quake IV would have vehicles in the game but wouldn’t comment further on that aspect. Still from HomeLAN, check out the QuakeCon 2003 boot babes. You want their impressions on Call of duty? Read on hereAfter that we got the results of the MsQuakeCon 2003 tournament. And lastly, the QuakeCon webpage has been updated with the final thanks and farewell until next year: Sadly, another QuakeCon has come to an end.
I speak for the entire staff when I say that this has truly been a monumental show. Year after year, America's largest gaming event gets bigger and more exciting.
We would like to take a moment to thank our sponsors, our volunteers, and of course id Software. Without any of which, QuakeCon simply would not be possible. This show takes months of planning and literally thousands of man-hours of work to bring to life. Not to mention significant amounts of cash. It is a testament to the strength of our little gaming community that something like this can happen every year. Thanks to all those who donated their time, talent, and money to bring QuakeCon to their fellow gamers.
In the upcoming days and weeks, we will have many pictures to share of all the fun we've had. Indeed, if you attended QuakeCon and have pictures, movies, articles, etc. you would like to share with the rest of the community, send me a link.
And as always, the fun will continue in our Forums throughout the year. And yes, I promise that I won't make any news as big as this one, until the next QuakeCon.
QuakeCon 2003 tournaments results

by DGhost @ [12:16 PM] August 17 2003
There it is, the results of the official tournaments of the QuakeCon 2003:
Q3CTF results:
First Place: Cloud9 ($10,000 / $2,500 per person)
Second Place: Clan519 ($7,000 / $1,750 per person)
Third Place: Gunzoids ($5,000 / $1,250 per person)
Fourth Place: Against All Authority ($3,000 / $750 per person)
RtCW Results:
First Place: infensus ($20,000 / $3,333 per person)
Second Place: gmpo ($12,000 / $2000 per person)
Third Place: Affliction ($8,000 / $1333 per person)
Fourth Place: Four Kings ($6,000 / $1000 per person)
Q3 1v1 Results:
First Place: ZeRo4 ($20,000)
Second Place: Z4muZ ($12,500)
Third Place: czm ($7,500)
Fourth Place: fox ($5,000) Be sure to hit the website of Cached.net to download the demos of the games!
QuakeCon 2003: Day 2

by DGhost @ [12:40 AM] August 16 2003
Mind you, I didn't lost any power with all that problems since yesterday, but my ISP did. So here I am with a day late for the QuakeCon. Fear not, I've got some good updates for you. First thing: Roger from PlanetQuake3.net has posted 2 screenshots of the Doom 3 multiplayers demo. First screenshot here and the second one is here. Okay at this point, my heart is going crazy, each time I see some new screenshots of Doom 3 I can't think anything else except that I am impressed! If you also want the comments of Roger on it, you can get it here. Jube from PlanetQuake is also very busy on her side. The coverage she's doing is starting well with some pictures of crazy cases. Complete report also on the mod developer's rountable, 3 sessions of 2 hours each are on the schedule and Jube give us a very good report on the first session. Let's not forget also that GameSpy is doing a good job on covering the event with their QuakeCon2003 Coverage. I can't even put all the links and story here gang, there is simply too much. To make a story short, next QuakeCon, 2004, rumors are starting about maybe showing something from Quake 4 (a demo maybe)? We'll see in due time. Want more pictures of the event? Go on. What else? Oh yeah, results of the tournament with that? Cached.net is DA place for that. All results are there and ready to be analysed and dissicted with also demos starting to be available for download. So many to watch this week end, I'll hope that my connection stay put with all these problems on the east coast. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh yeah back to the results:
Quake 3 CTF
Quake 3 1vs1
RtCW Okay I am getting very tired here, my mind is not even inside my brain anymore. I'll keep you informed during the week end! PS: I was almost forgetting, if you want to hear from the event live you can connect on the X-Cast radio for live comments and music from the QuakeCon.
QuakeCon 2003 is tomorrow!

by DGhost @ [09:17 PM] August 13 2003
The QuakeCon will begin tomorrow and already a lot of people have arrived on the site (check out the webpage of the QuakeCon to see some pictures of the setup being done). Roger from the website PlanetQuake3.net is already on site and giving us some of his first feedback. He already posted his first pictures of the setup also. Also a new small tournament of RtCW has been announced and is sponsored by You play game where you can win a trip to the company's headquarters in tropical Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. What's next? Oh yeah, Jube from PlanetQuake is on her way and they will, as usual, make an excellent cover of the QuakeCon. You can get all their coverage on the event here. Next is, of course, Todd Hollenshead from ID who is giving us his first impression about the event through is .Plan update. Lemme copy/paste that for you:
Here it is already time for QuakeCon 2003. While the festivities officially start on Thursday there are quite a few folks already helping with setting up what will be the biggest QuakeCon ever. It looks like the weather is going to give us a break this year and we'll mark the first QuakeCon I can remember where we won't hit 100 degrees.
New for this year will be the location in Downtown Dallas at the Adam's Mark Hotel and Conference Center which gives us tons more room for more cool stuff. And our sponsors are really outdoing themselves to help us make sure that everyone that comes out sees cool new games and gear, has a good time, and probably picks up some free stuff, too.
The BYOC will be the biggest yet, with room for up to 2000 PCs. The reservation list is booked up, but first-come-first-serve starts Thursday afternoon if you didn't get on the list. The keynote is Friday afternoon, and tournament finals, awards ceremony and party are all Saturday night. But the fragging is non-stop Thursday to Sunday 24 hours a day.
And, of course, we will be unveiling DOOM 3 multiplayer for the first time. And everyone will be able to play it, too.
For more information, details, directions, etc. the website is www.quakecon.org. There's no charge to attend, so come on out. I look forward to seeing everyone there this year.
And with all the website out there going at this event, there is too much to cover for me here. For those of you who want to watch the games on GTV, there is a map available to see which servers you can connect to for all the tournaments. Quake 3 1vs1 GTV networkQuake 3 CTF GTV networkRtCW GTV network Wheee this is getting rather long. What else? Wanna know the CTF brackets? or the ones from RtCW?
A Doom 3 preview

by DGhost @ [09:11 PM] August 12 2003
The website UnderGround Online got a nice article on the upcoming Doom 3 from IDsoftware. Mind you, the article make the reference to Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails doing the music, but like I said in one of my previous post, Trent cancelled that since he's going back in the studio for recording a new album. Nothing too new in the article but a lot of reminder on this serie. You can read it here.
Graeme Devine has left ID

by DGhost @ [12:42 PM] August 16 2003
A little bit late on this one, Graeme Devine has left ID software to meet up with his former colleague, Paul Jaquays @ Ensemble Studios, creators of Age of empires and Age of mythology. Sandy Petersen (mmmm remember the old RPG game of Call of Cthulhu), former employe of ID is also working there. You can read the news on Blue's news.
Urban Terror 3 is out!

by DGhost @ [01:28 PM] August 10 2003
The 322 megs file is ready to be downloaded and a lot of mirrors has been posted for handling the bandwith! Check out all the mirrors on the website of Urban Terror for all the address!
5quid from Charon!

by DGhost @ [10:06 PM] August 09 2003
One of my most favorite mapper has released, again,a
new map for Quake 3 Arena with CPMA designed in mind.
Charon is introducing us to his latest map called 5quid!
1 vs 1 in tournament mode, this map is a blast (I've tried
i and it's really nice). The map can also be played in
teamDM 2 vs 2 but is rather more for 1 vs1. Hit the
webpage of Charon : InteractiveDeath
for all the details!
Activision announcing sponsorship to the QuakeCon

by DGhost @ [05:28 PM] August 07 2003
Activision has confirmed on being yet again, at the Quakecon this year. Co hosting the Doom 3 multiplayers demo with ID, they will also presented a new game based on the Quake 3 engine : Call of duty. You can read the whole press release of Activision on the webpage of the QuakeCon.
It's raining maps

by DGhost @ [11:12 PM] August 06 2003
More info on the MsQuakecon tournament

by DGhost @ [10:22 PM] August 04 2003
Tough to post a news these days without it being related to the QuakeCon 2003. Now the website Lady Gamers is doing a good coverage on the MsQuakeCon tournament. You can see all the coverage here.
QuakeCon 2003 update, again

by DGhost @ [04:55 PM] August 01 2003
New .Plan update from Rick Johnson, lead programmer on Quake 4, who has announced the GBA (that's for a gameboy) Doom II challenge. Hellchick and him has decided to throw a challenge at the Quakecon for a Doom II deathmatch on a GBA. To be able to participate in the challenge you will need the following: If you want to take us on, you'll need to bring two things: your own Gameboy Advance, and your own copy of
DOOM II for the GBA. We'll bring link cables to link up. More information to come for the time frame on this small tournament!
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